Media Kit

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Elevator Pitch:

Using our 30 years of combined e-commerce marketing experience we bring you artificial intelligence chatbots made specifically for increasing online sales.

Company Details:

Founded in 2023, we quickly identified a glaring gap in customer service: time responses. Customers, in the digital age, crave instant solutions, but traditional service models often left them waiting or unsatisfied. Moreover, businesses grappled with striking a balance between swift replies and cost-effective operations. That’s where we stepped in. Harnessing advanced AI, we developed chatbots that not only responded in real-time but also delivered precise and cost-efficient answers, setting a new industry standard.

Founder Details:

Mike Smith, the visionary founder of our company, boasts an impressive 20-year tenure in e-commerce sales. His journey in the industry has been marked by a deep understanding of website design, ensuring platforms are not just visually appealing but also user-centric. A master of conversion rate optimization, Mike knows the intricacies of turning potential leads into loyal customers. But his expertise doesn’t end there. With a solid grasp on SEO, he’s adept at positioning businesses at the top of search results, ensuring organic growth and visibility. Complementing this is his proficiency in paid Google ads, where he crafts strategies that maximize ROI. Mike’s holistic approach to e-commerce stems from his rich experience, making him a pivotal force behind our company’s success.


While our technology is innovative, it’s rooted in trusted foundations. We harness the power of proven OpenAI and Anthropic models for large language processing. By training our models on diverse website content, we ensure relevancy and adaptability. Rest assured, we’ve rigorously tested and even attempted to “jail-break” our models to guarantee their reliability. Innovation meets dependability with us.

Business Model:

Our unique approach? Offering a 37-day free trial. Why? We’re confident in our AI chatbot’s capabilities and we want you to experience it firsthand. Dive in, explore, and learn more about what AI chatbots can do. We believe that once you understand their potential, you’ll see the value they bring to the table.

Products/Services offered:

While our technology is innovative, it’s rooted in trusted foundations. We harness the power of proven OpenAI and Anthropic models for large language processing. By training our models on diverse website content, we ensure relevancy and adaptability. Rest assured, we’ve rigorously tested and even attempted to “jail-break” our models to guarantee their reliability. Innovation meets dependability with us.

Media Opportunities:

If you would like quotes/comments on particular subjects please contact us. Or if you would like one of our team to speak on a podcast or conference.


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Screenshot of Chatbot on Our Site:

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